Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beat on the Brat (or the pinata)

There are some things that just make a father proud, one is when his 20 month old son outsmarts kids ages 4-7.  My son never ceases to amaze me at how clever a problem solver he is. 

Last weekend we attended a fourth birthday party for my niece.  My brother and sister in law were kind enough to get a pinata for all the kids.  Well, there were about 7 kids there that were going to take a shot at the pinata, my son being one of them.

Now this was one of the toughest pinatas I have ever seen, after all the kids took shots at it, the birthday girl started round two.  After a serious beating, grandpa finally weakened the pinata with his bare hands and caused candy to flow.

All the kids came charging in and I witnessed one of the most awkward and amusing candy grabs ever.  All the children of course encircled the pinata and began being choosy about what they were grabbing, specific candy and flavors.  My son, the youngest of the candy grabbers instead of crowding the center walked in a circle around the other collecting items like a scavenger.  He showed no discrimination as he picked up items that were behind the other kids' backs.  Watching this display made me laugh like crazy and I'm pretty sure he scored the most candy of any of the kids.

Just goes to show how a little smart think, even by someone still under the age of two, can prove to be a great method at getting candy.  I think we are going to remember that method.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah and I think it is almost gone from you and I eating it all week.
