Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dog Eat Dog

I'd first like to thank Mr. Reyes for inviting me to contribute to this blog. In not too long of a time frame i too will be a father. But I will be new to the world of parenting as this will be my first child. Needless to say I'm very much looking forward to it.

So punk rock? I loved listening to bands whose lyrics were full of meaning. Here were bands singing about something important. Not about some lost love or something stupid like half the songs on KIIS FM. "you hot, whats yo numba," yes those are some strong and powerful lyrics. Those make me want to go out and correct all the wrongs in the world. Punk rock offered me bands railing against society and all it's ills. I could relate to that. I felt the same way.

Then there was the music itself. Loud, fast, quick. I'll take a good loud Pennywise song over some lame ass hip-hop/rap song anyday. In fact to this day I prefer a band that uses a guitar, bass and drums. I'm not too keen on it otherwise. But I digress. I loved the intensity of the music combined with the intensity of the lyrics. I found myself influenced enough to write quite a few songs. I must have a few albums worth of song lyrics. Unfortunately I never started or joined a band to put those lyrics to music.

Now I find myself 10 years down the road. I don't listen to punk rock all that much anymore. That's not to say I don't believe in the ideals. Believe me I still do. There is still a lot wrong with society and the system. Thank you George W. Bush. Heck I'd prefer The Daily Show over the fake news known as Fox News Channel. I just grew up, I changed. It happens to all of us. It would be hard to take seriously a 30 year old with a child railing against the world. All from the basement of their parent's house.

I want my little girl to question things. I want her to challenge ideas and accepted notions. I want her to never blindly accept anything.

I think it's about time I dust off those punk rock classics that influenced me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you aboard. You're in for a fun ride and I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity for you to share your story.
