Friday, February 26, 2010

New Year's Eve Was As Boring As Heaven

If there is one thing everyone knows it's that I enjoy getting together with friends and drinking beer. We are not talking about a few beers. We're talking about the usage of that cruel mistress, Das Boot. I always looked forward to a Friday and Saturday night having a grand ol' time with my friends. Whether we went out to the bars or we stayed home to play drunken Rock Band.

Over time the bar scene got old. When you aren't single a bar feels like a meat market. Besides who wants to pay $6 for a beer. For the price of 2 beers i can get a 12 pack. Hardly worth it. We all found it to be more enjoyable hanging out at someone's house drinking. That would inevitable lead to some games of beer pong. Which in turn would be followed by Rock Band.

Fatherhood is now a few short months away. I am very much looking forward to it. I find myself wanting to buy baby clothes instead of a CD or a 6 pack of good beer. My Friday and Saturday nights are a far cry different from a few years back. I'm no longer up late drinking beer and singing horribly off key. I'm no longer getting ready for a late night Del Taco run. Instead i'm prepping the baby's room or watching an episode of SG-1.

I still find the time to drink a beer or two. However it's not with the same need to pound 6 or 7 beers. It's more of a want to relax and enjoy one filling of Das Boot. I don't even miss the heavy drinking. I enjoy those low key nights at home playing around with the dog.

I thought I would miss the heavy drinking. I really don't. I'd rather have this opportunity to raise a child than go out and get drunk night after night. This doesn't mean I've gone straight edge. I'm not going to raise my little girl to think alcohol is bad. I don't think that attitude works. Send her off to college thinking that and she'll turn into a party animal/alcoholic. I'm going to raise her with a healthy attitude towards alcohol. If you want to drink that's fine. Do it in moderation and be damn careful about it.

Hey it's Friday night. A marathon of SG-1 with a beer or two sounds awfully nice.

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